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Business case study, formatting tips

Business case study: formatting tips

Writing a business case study requires you to have adequate knowledge about Business courses. Business courses can take the shape of business administration, accountancy, marketing and of course banking and finance. You do not really need to be a compendium of knowledge in all these disciplines. What is important is that you have a good knowledge of the business discipline you find yourself.
A business case study also requires that you have good mathematical and analytical skills. It is no use writing a business case study if you can't do the necessary calculations that come with the paper. Knowledge about business math is a must. This knowledge is necessary because you might be called upon to do some permutations in the course of your discussion. You need to present your empirical formulas in a convincing manner. You don't want to come across as confused or jittery.


Formatting your business case study follows a simple set of rules depending on your institution of learning. Basically these formatting tips are generally the rule.


Good business case study format requires that you use a good and clear font for all your papers. The font that you use must in no way be difficult to read. It should be clear for your readers to see right away what you have typed on your paper. The recommended fonts are Times, Times New Romans, Verdana and Calibri. Your institution may have a specific requirement in terms of fonts. It's always a good idea to check with your institution first before deciding on a font. Some of the non recommended fonts are Algerian, Vivaldi, Cursive and Old English text. These types of fonts are best left for decorative purposes.


It is a bad idea to choose font characters that are less than 12. The reason for this is not farfetched. Your readers need to discern what they are reading. There is no point forcing your readers to strain their eyes before they can understand you. A font character of 12-14 is usually ideal. Use a smaller font and risk being penalized by your professor.


The page layout of your business case study paper makes it all the more readable and interesting. Many institutions have specific page layouts they expect their students to use. Check with your department so you won't be penalized. Usually, it is recommended that both sides of your paper use 2 inches off the sides as well as in the header and footer sections. This sort of formatting makes your paper looks organized. Having written words scattered all over the pages of your paper is not appealing and your reader might easily lose interest.


Writing your business case study requires that you make use of mathematical calculations. Do not be caught writing out your calculations in English. Use mathematical symbols where necessary. Remember that mathematical equations are best represented using mathematical symbols. Your computer naturally has these symbols already formatted. Learn to make use of them.
Finally, now that you have learned the basic formatting rules for writing a business case study, don't forget to give your case study a thesis, introduction, overview, synopsis, discussions and conclusion. These are where the meat of your work lies. Combine it with these tips and you stand a pretty good chance of success.

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