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How to Write a 5-paragraph Essay with Ease

Even if your writing skills leave much to be desired, it doesn't mean you can't cope with this task. Students are made to deal with a bunch of academic assignments, and essay writing is regarded to be the most frequent one. Some of them receive only A-grades while others can't do anything to improve their academic performance. Why does it happen? Do they know how to write a 5-paragraph essay? It doesn't mean that you must be a talented writer to write an A-level paper. Nowadays, it is possible to acquire these skills by learning different essay writing techniques.

These days, students may face many assignments requiring them to write a paper, but writing a five-paragraph essay is the most common task. Because the latter is a creative assignment, some students don't understand what steps they should follow. They just let their inspiration guide them and write down all thoughts popping into their heads. Nevertheless, this approach is entirely wrong because your essay will be very hard to read. You may do your best, but because of the incorrect structure, your writing won't get the best grade.

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5-paragraph Essay Structure Peculiarities

If you still have no idea how to boost your grades or you don't know the exact answer to the question of how to do a five-paragraph essay, you should definitely take a look at our guidelines.

How to Start a 5-paragraph Essay Effectively?

In fact, the success of your paper might often depend on your five-paragraph essay introduction. The way how you begin a 5-paragraph essay can also influence the grade. Your introductory part should be short and yet informative, simple and yet exciting! You may start writing by developing either the main paragraphs or introduction, but too many things depend on your own vision of the future 5-paragraph essay structure.

The fundamental purpose of the introductory part is to get the intended audience familiar with the content of your future essay. You should also make people want to read your paper until the very end by using as few sentences as possible. To achieve this, you can use one of the following techniques:

  • Start with a funny joke;
  • Raise a controversial question;
  • Give a peculiar fact;
  • Use shocking statistics.

You either grab the attention and interest of the reader that lasts till the end or lose it straight away in the first few lines of your essay. Below, you can find several samples of such hooks:

  • The world would've ended if not for the ancient Egyptian constructions.
  • The GDP of our country drops by 5% every year.
  • Does capital punishment really help prevent crimes?

Body Paragraphs: the Central Section

A typical essay usually consists of five-paragraphs, with each of them having its singular purpose. More detailed information on what should be in each of the five-paragraphs will be provided when we discuss the features of writing a 5-paragraph essay outline.

The key purpose of all body paragraphs is to address the topic of your essay by picking several arguments relevant to your subject area and covering them one by one. To avoid chaotic writing, you should create an approximate plan and follow it while preparing your paragraphs. As a result, you'll create a properly structured and organized essay where all ideas will be covered gradually.

Besides, you should also use different counterexamples. Their primary objective is to prove that you did your research, studied the resources and weighed all the pros and cons of different arguments. To do this, you can apply a few counterexamples which will help you create a balanced paper consisting of general facts and real samples.

How to End a 5-paragraph Essay?

Writing the concluding part is your final step. A 5-paragraph essay conclusion has one purpose - to summarize your thoughts and ideas. If you don't want to grapple with this problem, we can suggest one tip which can save you a lot of time: take a look at your introduction and paraphrase it, repeating your central argument once again by using different word combinations. Also, you can end your essay with a subtle sentence or remark to leave room for your reader's imagination.

Outline for a 5-paragraph Essay: Tips and Tricks

The outline is the central framework of your essay which helps you define what particular ideas should be mentioned in your assignment. In other words, this is a short plan for your writing. We have created a simple structure which will help you understand how it should look like.

  • Introduction: A catchy paragraph with a hook which will make your readers want to read a research paper full of interesting ideas and facts.
  • 2nd paragraph: One argument with supporting facts and samples.
  • 3d paragraph: One argument with supporting facts and samples.
  • 4th paragraph: One argument with supporting facts and samples.
  • Conclusion: a summary of all the facts and ideas you used to explore a specific subject area. In other words, you should write several sentences which will sum up all the pluses of your research and complete your paper.

Some students are always in a hurry and prefer not to spend time on creating the outline. However, they are mistaken because an outline for 5-paragraph essay is an excellent opportunity to organize your thoughts and be more productive while writing. You won't miss anything because you will be following a well-structured plan - isn't that great?

A few final tips to consider

  • Ensure smooth transition between paragraphs. Understand the reader may not anticipate what is coming next, and hence a sudden change in tone, a contrasting point or an abrupt example will disrupt the flow and confuse the reader.
  • Use active voice throughout your essay and avoid using 'I' unless it is a narrative. It is the best style to grab the attention of the reader.
  • Once done, check for redundancy, grammar, and consistency in approach.
  • The conclusion is critical; it is what will make the last impression and is necessary to bind your article together. Don't rush through it and ensure it is tight and not too elaborate.
  • Ensure you provide counterexamples and use them to diffuse any counter-arguments so that your points are put across, and the reader is convinced with your viewpoints. Else the essay can come out as one-sided.

Writing a 5-paragraph Essay Is Easier With Our Services

Some students just can't find time to immerse themselves in writing. Besides, some of them hate dealing with creative tasks because they must be submitted on time. So, what should they do in this case?

The best way of writing a 5-paragraph essay is to use our custom writing service. Because our company has been in the business of academic writing for many years, we can help you solve all challenges related to this assignment. Our team consists of only experienced and highly-educated writers, who have already written hundreds of essays and are ready to do this task for you.

We know how to write a good 5-paragraph essay according to your tutors' instructions. We are also aware of all the formatting rules and will easily do this task for you!

So, if you really need professional assistance of qualified writers, contact our company and see your problems disappear in an instant!

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