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Essay Topics for a Business Class

Most of the business studies available now aim to incorporate a wide range of subjects which are essential for the students to face real time challenges of the business world once they are done with the course. As part of the curriculum, the students are often required to write essays relevant to the subject of their interest or the course. Below are a few topic ideas that you may consider developing into neat essays.

Starting a new business

Developing an idea for a new business and setting up a new business involves dealing and detailed understanding of many aspects of the business. What kind of market segment will the business cater to? What is the demand of the product in the current market scenario? What are the factors that influence the production system? How much should be the investment considering the setup and running costs? These are some of the many aspects that you can write about. You may also wish to provide examples which will give the reader a more analytical insight into the topic. Additionally, you can write about the right mindset and research required to raise the capital for the business and to set it up.

Role of business in social development

Business is a part of the society and primarily caters to the needs of the society, however there are few business practices that impact and influence the social development in a huge way. Ranging from the kind of promotional or marketing campaigns to environmental concerns businesses are socially responsible for the social development. Thus, business has an important role to play in the development of the society. You can write about the various social issues that businesses can contribute to, by providing examples or your own opinion. You can also propose new ideas that can be implemented by the businesses, enabling them to contribute more to the social development. You can discuss how businesses can help save the environment by incorporating small changes in their daily operations.

Marketing Strategies

In simple terms, a market strategy is nothing but a process that allows a business to focus on the optimal utilization of the available resources and opportunities to increase sales. Over a period of time, many business organizations developed quite a few innovative marketing strategies which worked wonders in increasing the sales numbers. You can write about the developing of a market strategy and also discuss the various types of market strategies. You can provide ideas on how to develop an effective market strategy, like focusing on whether the business requires internet marketing or direct marketing etc. You can also write how important marketing is for a business and also emphasize that marketing is also an investment. You can also choose to write about the success stories of business organizations which developed innovative and effective market strategies.

International Business

Spreading the business across various countries requires a thorough knowledge of the business laws of those countries and various other factors that affect the setting up of the business. It is also imperative to do research about the global trends and international consumer needs to gain more understanding of the aspects that one has to concentrate upon to set a new international business. You can throw light on such trends, or also provide examples of the working model of the successful international businesses. You can write about the international negotiations for business and also the cost effectiveness in view of the currency exchange rates which will prove largely advantageous to the business. You can also discuss how important it is for the business to be present internationally to tap the market potential and also tell about how business organizations should work on being consistent and maintaining uniformity in their operations across the globe.

Managing People

Personnel or employee management definitely plays a vital role in the success of any business and it has been proved time and again that improper management leads to huge business disasters. It could be an idea or a vision of a single person to set up a business, but it requires a team's efficient work to make the business a success. There are many factors that affect the working style of the team to contribute to the single goal. Focus on the areas that are really important to build an effective and engaging team to achieve great results. Write about the policies that the business organizations should concentrate on, which contribute to the employee productivity and thereby profitability to the company. You can discuss about the compensation, -employee incentives and perks, team-building activities, leadership, training & motivation of the employees. You can conclude on how important planning and employee management is for a company to succeed.

Labor Laws affecting business

We all know the importance of the staff and its team work to run a business effectively, however there are certain things that we have to consider while recruiting and managing the employees. Depending on the country of operation, there are several labor laws that are to be considered before employing individuals. Labor laws vary from country to country, though most of the laws are commonly emphasizing on the rights of the employees. It is really important to study and understand the labor laws beforehand, as these laws affect the operations of the business organization in a huge manner. Labor laws including the holiday structure, contractual employment, employing foreign nationals, social benefits, gender discrimination etc. affect the business if not abided by. You can choose to discuss about a certain labor law or a generic overview of various labor laws of your knowledge. You can also discuss about the importance of labor laws for international businesses.

Other than the above essay topic ideas, you might find it encouraging exploring on the below topics too:

  • Ethical Marketing
  • Corruption Issues within the business
  • Changing corporate environment
  • Business growth in China
  • Financial planning for business
  • Managing risk in business
  • Management techniques
  • Emotional Intelligence and its role in business
  • Effective advertising strategies.
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