Yes, Science is Political!

Yet students in STEM fields vote at the lowest rates among all students.

In 2016, only 43.6% of STEM students voted. In 2014, less than 16% cast a ballot.
Let's change that.

Let's help students have more time for politics and other stuff outside the science. Custom writing experts are ready to assist and motivate students to achieve this goal.

Take the #STEMvotes pledge!

Register to vote, become an informed voter, and cast your ballot in the November 3rd election.

We're talking class announcements, emails, texts, student org voter registration drives, class competitions, and more.

Check out these resources to increase voter registration and turnout in the STEM community.

Let's get more STEM students into the voting booth in 2020 and beyond.
Take the #STEMvotes pledge by signing up below!

College students are typically eligible to vote in their home state, or the state in which they're attending college (if different). In addition, in-state students can register to vote in-person at their campus address, or they can vote absentee at a permanent home address. For more info check out the useful FAQ at this link: